• 12210 Fairfax Towne Center, Suite 704
  • 571.354.0825
  • irene@transformativehuman.com

Conscious Living

“What living deliberately is about. . .”


In a world full of pleasant and not so pleasant distractions, we often find ourselves feeling as if we are drifting through life rather than experiencing it to our true and fullest potential. When the stresses of our lives overwhelm us we may feel that things just happen and we have no say in the outcome.

When we find ourselves questioning our life, we are hearing the invitation to living a conscious life.


What makes a conscious life?


1) Conscious living is an invitation to awaken to the power of our inner wisdom and reconnect to our true and authentic Self. It is about coming back to the basics of who you truly are, what you value, honoring yourself, then bringing that honor out into the world.

2) A practice of Recognition, Remembrance, and Presence

  Recognizing the endless, untapped potential in you 

  Remembering the integrity of who you are-your sovereignty

  Presence is the art of being present at every moment, which also means embracing one’s intuitive intelligence. Intuitive intelligence is among the many categories of intelligence and everyone has it, although few ever realize it. Though most individuals can identify colors, one would need to develop an eye to notice the variety of shades. Similarly, everyone has intuitive intelligence-we just need to be fully present to use it.

3) It is a value-based approach to living:

  Self-love – Prioritizing self not at the expense of others but in harmony with one’s surroundings

  Self-integrity – Living our values in harmony with others

  Self-respect-A self-explanatory word which means respecting oneself and values

Oftentimes, when life is going in the direction we don’t want there is a misalignment with our core values.

The reality is when we go inside and remember who we are through our values–the essence of who we are– we discover what’s truly important and meaningful to us. We are able to live deliberately because we are synched to our values.

That reality then becomes the life you desire, want, and dream of–being a witness/observer of our experiences, yet not falling into the traps or chaos that the experience of living brings.


When we talk about values, what do we mean?


We often think of values as the beliefs we hold and by which we lead our lives. While this definition is entirely true, reflecting on the profoundness of its meaning awakens us to the multifacetedness of ourselves.

E.E. Cummings said, “To be nobody-but-yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody but yourself means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight—and never stop fighting.”


When we know our values, that is how we can stay steadfast to who we are. In essence, we are our values, and these values are the keys to embracing our potential.

Values are not about who we’d like to be, or assume we should be, but rather who we already are at this moment. When we make peace with and learn to love ourselves, that is when we can drive our lives in the direction we desire.

Values are the basis which we feel connected to they are the foundation of our authenticity, and authenticity and simplicity are the recipes to living a conscious life. 



The Benefits and Values of Living a Conscious Life:


  We discover what’s truly important and meaningful to us.

  When we honor our values on a regular and consistent basis, life is good and fulfilling.

  Values that are fully defined and elaborated on becoming a powerful tool for fulfilling choices as we approach a major crossroads or get off track.


Life can be fulling, rewarding, thrilling and exciting through the practice of self-awareness and discovery. This is conscious living: Deliberately Experiencing Your Life = Being in the Driver’s Seat of Life.

How exactly do we achieve this?

Practicality is my recipe.


Life is already complicated. Let’s make this journey of self-awareness as practical and graceful as possible. Let’s have fun and enjoy falling in love with ourselves with who we really are.

Are you ready to steer your life on the track fit perfectly for you?